21 Giugno 2020 – ore 09.30
Proceeds will go to charity
6 – 12 km
June 21st, 2020 – 9.30 a.m.
Recreational-motor running event open to everyone
Rules & Regulations
“Paola Franzo” Memorial is a non-competitive “pink run” that gives the chance to experience the stunning Magraid’s running routes.
There are two “pink” running routes in the Friulian Steppe: 6km and 12km.
Entry fees:
“Pink” option: € 10,00 including a Pink T-Shirt guaranteed for the first 500 participants; official aid and refreshment points; post-race refreshment point at the Base Camp.
“Grey” option: € 5,00 including official aid and refreshment points; post-race refreshment point at Base Camp.
Such sums are contributions not subject to VAT following art. 4, second and sixth period of Italian Regulation set forth in law DPR 633/72 as subsequently amended and supplemented. The above-mentioned contributions are aimed at organize the “Paola Franzo” Memorial event, in compliance with Italian Regulation set forth in art. 2, clause 1, letter A/B DLGS 460/97 and clause 3 of the art. 111 of TUIR.
Telefono Segreteria cell 391.7417001 – 3356043550
On site, before the start of the race
At A.S.D. TRIATHLON TEAM seat at C.O.N.I. POINT PORDENONE – viale della Libertà, n. 75 —- opening times: Tuesdays from 6.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.
Groups that are willing to participate shall send and present the list of the participants.
Everybody that is in compliance with the registration can participate to the event. A card will be given to the registered athletes. Such card shall be validated at the check points along the race route.
Participants must respect all the Rules listed in the Regulation.
Base Camp: Eurosporting in Cordenons, Viale del Benessere, 29 – Cordenons/ PN It is strictly forbidden to start the race before the time scheduled by the Event Organizator.
Aid will not be guaranteed along the race route before 9.30 a.m.
Closing of the event: no aid will be guaranteed along the race route from 1 p.m.
Health & Safety
Mutual Support. Following the plain spirit of a “Magraider”, each participant MUST help other athletes going through noticeable difficulties and inform the health and safety service as soon as possible.
It is mandatory to follow the indications and instructions of the Event Organizer without any deviation from the race route.
The Event will take place with any weather condition.
The Event Organizer shall not be held civilly nor criminally liable for any physical occurrences to the Athletes, animals or damage to property before, during and after the Event.
Given that this is a non-competitive running event, complaints are not accepted.
Art. 190. Pedestrians’ behaviour.
- Pedestrian shall move on footpaths, along the verge of the streets, or in other areas specially designated for them. If such areas are missing, cluttered, disrupted or insufficient, they shall circulate along the edge of the carriageway opposite to the direction of traffic in order not to hinder the right traffic circulation. Outside build-up areas pedestrians shall march:
– opposite to the direction of traffic if they are in a double-carriageway with two-way traffic.
– on the right edge of the street if they are in a one-way traffic carriageway.
From half an hour after the sunset and untill half an hour before the sunrise, pedestrians that circulate in streets lacking public lighting and outside build-up areas shall march in a single row. - Ecc.
PRIZES & AWARDS – Only groups of at least 10 participants may be awarded.
a) Upon entry athletes must declare under their own responsibility that they comply with the Italian regulations set forth in law n° 376/2000 (Anti Doping) as subsequently amended and supplemented.
b) The Event Organizer shall not be held civilly nor criminally liable for any physical occurrences to the Athletes before, during and after the Event.
Privacy and Image Rights.
Upon entry, participants authorize the Event Organizer to freely use any images depicting them for the duration of Magraid, whether still or in movement and with no territorial nor time limit.
For the entire duration of the Event, the Event Organizer will take pictures and make video recordings to be used, published or broadcast, together with few Magraider interviews. Athletes authorize the Event Organizer to take pictures and make films, to use, reproduce and spread images, names and personal information that athletes have given to the Organizer or have been made available or published by media (magazines, newspapers, Magraid DVD, web sites etc.). From now on, athletes agree to be filmed during the Magraid event, and authorize the Event Organizer to use and publish any recording with the methods and under the terms that may be deemed useful by the Organizer. Participants agree that no payment will be made for using, reproducing or spreading their images by the Event Organizer.
Entry fee refund:
No entry fee will be refunded.
Race Course News / Amendments and Supplements
Latest updates on Magraid routes conditions, plant blooming, course changes due to adverse weather conditions or floods, on-site training itineraries will be published on the Magraid official web site (
Amendments and Supplements. These Rules and Regulations may be amended or supplemented following organizational, technical or meteorological needs.
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