Registration for Magraid 2017 race opens today!

Registration for Magraid 2017 ultramarathon starts today! You can sign up online, fill in the form in the home page and pay with credit card. The registration will be automatically recorded. The registration deadline is 30th May 2017 or when the number of 180...

L’allenamento consigliato per Magraid

Ogni anno sono in molti a chiederci quanto allenati bisogna essere per correre Magraid. Sembra strano ma il percorso di Magraid, in realtà, è più fattibile di quanto si pensi, proprio per il  modo in cui è strutturato e perché consente di gestire i ritmi di corsa...

Our new website is now online!

It is with the greatest pleasure that we now present you our shiny new website,, which has been in the works for the past several months. The restyling that we wanted for our website is not only about the graphics but also about its structure.  In the...

Sky Sport HD and Icarus have joined us!

Icarus, the main Sky Sport HD TV programme dedicated to outdoors sports, has been reporting on Magraid since is first edition and for the 10th anniversary of the amazing race in the Friuli steppe it has become an official media partner of Magraid 2017. During the last...