This evening the 11th edition of Magraid, the race in the steppe of the Magredi friulani, took off with the first stage of 20 kilometers of the ultramarathon 100 km. The Base Camp of the event organized by the A.s.d. Triathlon Team is set up in Parareit in Cordenons and from here, at 20.00 o’clock, 150 runners from Italy and abroad started the three-day trip in the spectacular location of the Cellina-Meduna Magredi.
The stage was won by Cuneo runner Luca Laratore in 1:16:04. Second place for Udinese Ivan Zufferli in 1:19:46, while in the third position the 23 years old english Josh Sambrook arrived in 1:22:34. Among the women the stage victory went to Paola Floretti (Friuli Venezia Giulia) in 1:34:47, second place for the perugina Lorena Piastra (1:36:29), third place for Francesca Curioni (Piemonte) in 1:43:13.
On Saturday there will be the 55 km “ultramarathon” stage, called “Grave”, starting at 10.00 am by the “I Magredi” company of Domanins of San Giorgio della Richinvelda (at 4.30 pm the estimated arrival of the first runners).
In the afternoon, in addition to the 100 km, two important side events born in the name of solidarity, like the 2 × 1 hour walking relay “Magraid for SLA”, the novelty of this year, whose proceeds will be donated to the Pordenone section of ASLA Onlus (registration on the spot and departure at 5.00 p.m.). At 6.00 p.m., however, there will be the 10th edition of the non-competitive gear suitable for all “Magrave – 2nd Memorial Paola Franzo”, which will take place on 6/12 km routes in the magredile site (registration on place). All women are invited to run in pink. Following dinner for everyone at the Base Camp at the Parareit of Cordenons.